TFR team led the final evaluation of the "IRTH - Legacy of Palestine- Protecting Islamic and Christian Cultural Heritage in Jerusalem" Project. Three Palestinian NGOs implemented the three-year project: Palestinian Vision, the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), and the ACT for Studies and Alternative Dispute Resolutions.
TFR team participated in the mid-term evaluation of the World Bank-administered Partnership for Infrastructure Development Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the period 2016-2022, reviewing the implementation progress and results achieved and based on the evidence gathered, drawing lessons and providing practical and strategic recommendations for the next five to ten years. In particular, the evaluation assessed the effectiveness of the trust fund as an instrument for advancing priority reforms in three core sectors (water and sanitation, urban development, and energy) for achieving results and critical cross-sectoral themes - gender, citizen engagement, climate resilience, and the humanitarian-development-peace nexus.
TFR team participated in the final evaluation of the second phase of the GIZ Local Governance Reform Programme- LGRP II, financed by the German Government and co-financed by the Swiss Government from April 2019 to March 2023. The evaluation used the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria; its results will be used for accountability, and its findings and recommendations will be utilized while implementing the follow-on project.
Ongoing- TFR team is currently supporting the World Bank social team in developing a Social Inclusion Assessment of all ongoing projects in the West Bank and Gaza. The assessment identifies a set of required deep dives on social issues and informs the design of a roadmap for areas that require attention, possible areas for reform, and knowledge gaps that need to be filled, given their strategic importance for the country's dialogue on inclusion. The assessment offers thematic recommendations on the key actions that could be taken at the policy level and interventions to address the identified drivers for vulnerability and exclusion.
A TFR team has led the Grant Management Training for 21 CBOs across the West Bank. The assignment aimed at building their capacity and enabling them to expand their interventions to meet their communities' needs. As part of the "Cultural Rights for Inclusive and Equitable Palestinian Development Process," the newly acquired knowledge and skills contribute to the CBOs' autonomy and sustainability. The training was on 1) Community mapping and needs assessments: two sessions and 2) Grant Management: six sessions.
The TFR team led a long-term Consultancy for supporting the French-funded programme "Action for East Jerusalem's Identity and Resilience (AJIR)" that is implemented by the NGO Development Centre (NDC). The assignment aims to facilitate revising the AJIR programme logical framework, refining it, and providing an updated version. It includes revising and finalizing indicators and identifying tools and methods for the selected subprojects to aggregate data on the programme's logical framework and provide information on goal attainment. The AJIR partners will then be coached to implement the approved AJIR M&E system, including supporting them in developing and implementing specific methods, approaches, and tools.
One TFR consultant was part of the German GIZ Local Government Reform Program (LGRP) III Appraisal Mission. The TFR consultant acted as a local government expert in the Appraisal Mission Team for the GIZ Local Government Reform Program (LGRP) III; the purpose was to contribute to the preparation process for the project proposal of a follow-up programme measures and the draft result model for the three action areas: Local public finance, Integrated and inclusive planning, and Inclusive, accountable and transparent LGU processes.
The TFR team led the midterm evaluation of the project "Civil Society Organizations for Inclusiveness, Democratic Governance and Human Rights." The team has 1) assessed the formulation, structure, and assumptions underlying the Theory of Change and result framework. 2) assessed the existing procedures and processes regarding coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. 3) proposed modalities to facilitate a platform for CSO relationship building, exchange and learning, and strategic collaboration. Finally, 4) looked into how inclusion can be improved (gender, youth, disabled persons) to increase mainstreaming of these issues.
The TFR team led the evaluation of the "Promotion of Inclusive Agricultural Growth to ensure improved living standards & resilience of vulnerable communities in Area C of the West Bank" project. The team assessed the project: a) Relevance, b) Coherence, c) Effectiveness, d) Efficiency, e) Sustainability, and f) Impact of the project by highlighting key learnings, lessons, and good practices and providing recommendations for future similar programming. While focusing on accountability and learning, it applied robust gender-inclusive analysis to understand its effects on youth and women's economic empowerment.
The TFR team led the valuation of the "Promoting the health and well-being of Children with Disabilities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem" project. The team has assessed the projects and gauged the level of achievement of the results, targets and anticipated impact on the target groups and the level of efficiency, effectiveness, impact, relevance and sustainability. Additionally, it identified lessons learned to inform and guide the design of future interventions.
The TFR team led the final evaluation of the "Improved Educational System in East Jerusalem Project." The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess results achieved through the project so far, and to what extent they are contributing to 1) enhanced access to education, 2) improved learning environment in private schools, including capacity building of JDoE to supervise them, and 3) increased quality of education in private schools.
The TFR team led a Market System Study for the Fresh Vegetables Value Chain. The assessment aims at understanding and analyzing the involved key Market System actors, interdependency with the fresh vegetables value chain processes, sequence of activities, income distribution among players, enabling/ disabling environment, different gender roles, and opportunities to expand women's role. It provided recommendations for value chain modalities and intervention strategies, operational ways of engaging women and youth, exploring potential private/public sector investments, access to new markets and/or expansion of existing and synergies with other projects.
The TFR team led a programme review of the "Improvements in the Responsiveness & Transparency of the Palestinian Authority's Systems, Services & Processes." The review has assessed the programme performance and achievements (enhance transparency and accountability, contribute to increased PA-citizens trust), identified best practices and lessons learned and provided practical recommendations for a second phase design (alternative approaches, adjusted management structure, implementation strategy and approach, etc.).
Evaluating the "PACE- Partnership for new Approach to Early Childhood Education" project, implemented by RTM- Volontari nel Mondo Evaluation and funded by the Italian Cooperation. The project aims to support the Ministry of Education in implementing the new law, the Strategic Plan for the Education Sector 2017-2022, and the National Strategy for Early Childhood Development 2017-2022 about early childhood education services in the West Bank.
Evaluating the "Employment & Empowerment for Vulnerable Youth in West Bank & Gaza" funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the SOS Children's Villages Palestine.
TFR team supported the "Creative Child: Bright Future" project team of the A.M. Qattan Foundation in Ramallah to revisit the logical framework, develop the M&E framework and tools, and train project staff to use these tools. In addition, the assignment included building up the baseline data collection matrix and coaching the staff in gathering the baseline data.
TFR team supported the A.M. Qattan Foundation in Ramallah in revisiting the logical framework of the second phase of the "Culture, Art, and Social Engagement project," developing the M&E framework, tools and baseline study, and training project staff on the use of these tools. A baseline data collection matrix and baseline study were finalized, including utilizing multiple data collection tools of questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions, and coaching the team in the whole process.
TFR team supported a consortium of four Palestinian partners to establish a Baseline study on Cultural Rights, Available Cultural Resources and CBOs active in cultural rights at the local level in 5 Palestinian Governorates (West Bank and Gaza) for the EU funded project "Cultural Rights for Inclusive and Equitable Palestinian Development Process". The consortium is led by the Rozana Association for the Development of Architectural Heritage and have the Palestinian Vision (PalVision), Jerusalem Tourism Cluster (JTC), and Youth Without Borders Forum (YWBF) as members.
The team led the evaluation of the Finland Local Cooperation portfolio (LFC) by identifying how Finland's support to Palestinian civil society has evolved over time, and the extent to which the support through the FLC has reinforced Finland's policy priorities and overall goal for cooperation in Palestine (strengthening state-building through strengthening the voice of the civil society, democratization and citizen participation; reducing poverty and inequality; addressing gender as a cross-cutting theme or priority).
TFR team led the evaluation of an EU three-year funded project, "Promoting democratic culture through rural cultural tourism clusters," amounting to 1,139,880 euros. The project was implemented by the lead applicant Rozana Association for the Development of Architectural Heritage, in partnership with the Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation (PYALARA), the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD), and the Italian Planet Life Economy Foundation (PLEF).
The team led the evaluation of an EU three-year funded project, "Yalla nshouf film!" amounting to 1,139,869 Euro and implemented by three local partners "Shashat Women Cinema" in partnership with the "Society of Women Graduates" and "Sunflower Association for the Protection of the Human Being and the Environment."
The team led the evaluation of a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) three-year funded project, "safe Spaces for Women, youth and children in the Gaza Strip", amounting to 2'430'000 CHF and implemented by two local partners, "Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA)" and the "Culture and Arts Association (NAWA)."
TFR, in partnership with RAI-Consult, evaluated the Taawon Foundation East Jerusalem program (2017-2020), amounting to USD 60 million, indicating successes, failures, comparison with other institutions operating in East Jerusalem, lessons learned, and recommendations for developing the future Foundation's interventions.
The TFR team led the evaluation of an EU three-year funded project, "Youth as Human Rights Defenders", and implemented by the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy-MIFTAH. The project aim was to enhance the implementation of human rights instruments, mainly the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), in five Palestinian localities.
The TFR team led an impact assessment and learning study of Oxfam five-year project, "Improving Palestinian small-scale producers' access to and power in high-value fruit, and small ruminant value chains." It assessed its performance, challenges, best practices, achievements, identified lessons learned, and the flexibility to adapt and respond to the changing environment across the selected value chains. Palestinian Agriculture Development Association, Rural Women's Development society, and Palestinian Livestock Development Society implemented the project.
TFR team facilitated the strategic plan development for Shashat Women Cinema (2022-2024) and drafted the logical framework, M&E plan, an updated organization structure, a risk management and business continuity plan, and a detailed annual work plan with a budget for the three years.
TFR led a SWOT analysis for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Regional Office Palestine & Jordan (RLS) and twelve of its Palestine office partners. The analysis was conducted through a two-day workshop per organization, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In addition, the study report included a list of the needs per organization.
The firm facilitated a participatory development of Nabi Ghaith Maqam's operationalization plan in Deir Ammar through a partnership between the local council and the local grassroots organizations. After performing a SWOT analysis of the local actors, the TFR team drafted the operational administrative and financial plans for a joint village council- CBOs managing to operate the historic place. The plan included a marketing and operational plan, a multilateral networking mechanism, sustainability and risk analysis.